boutique buddies
One Week Boutique couldn't happen without YOU; it takes a minimum of 200 people to run each sale! We need your help to set-up, assist at, and wrap-up the event. As a thank you, all boutique buddies earn a pre-sale pass to shop early.
boutique buddies
One Week Boutique couldn't happen without YOU; it takes a minimum of 200 people to run each sale! We need your help to set-up, assist at, and wrap-up the event. As a thank you, all boutique buddies earn a pre-sale pass to shop early.
One of the keys to making One Week Boutique a continued success is the tremendous amount of help we receive from our boutique buddies. It takes a minimum of two-hundred active participants throughout the week to help set-up, assist at, and wrap-up this event. As a token of our appreciation to all of those who assist, helpers at One Week Boutique earn a pre-sale pass that lets them shop early and have early access to the best deals.
You do not have to be a consignor to help at One Week Boutique; just be ready to pitch in and have a great time. Moms, pregnant moms, grandmothers, dads, and anyone who wants to shop early for great deals can be a boutique buddy.
As a boutique buddy, you can choose one of our three levels:
8 hours
(one 8hr shift or two 4hr shifts)
8-Hour Pre-sale
Not available this sale
4 hours or
1 Barter slot
4-Hour Pre-sale
Friday, 4:30pm-8pm
Retain 70% of sales
Boutique Buddies assist with keeping the sales floor organized, replacing tags that have fallen off, greeting customers as they arrive, bagging purchased items at check out, or assisting customers in finding correct sizes or specific items.
On drop-off days you may be placing merchandise on racks as it arrives; on sorting day you will be helping us put unsold items under the correct consignor number for pick up. We appreciate your help as this is a huge sale, and it takes numerous people to make it run smoothly from start to finish.
One Week Boutique offers a limited number of barter opportunities for those individuals who are physically unable to assist at the sale. There are numerous items that we need to form the foundation of our event. Snacks and water for team members, sale supplies, and more are all necessary for making One Week Boutique a great place to find deals and make some money.
Please note, there are a limited number of barter spots available each sale.